Friday, March 19, 2010


Stephen Harper may not be Canada's favorite Prime Minister, but on top of being able to play the piano, sing, and collect coins, he is a cat man! MEOW! I understand that a lot of Canadians are upset with Harper and his irresponsible decision to prorogue Parliament during the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, his policies that do not support free contraception for women in developing nations, and his distastefully unpatriotic comments toward Quebec's distinct culture, but I think everyone needs to seriously step back and recognize what kind of people like cats. That Harper is such the feline fan that he is says a lot about what kind of man he really is. Stephen Harper probably loves to snuggle, play with yarn occasionally and fall asleep to the peaceful sound of his cats' purring. Clearly Stephen Harper is not only a family man, but a cat man as well. Most men feel the urge to associate themselves with big, brave, fast, strong dogs- dogs with which they feel mirror their qualities as men- perhaps a bulldog, a boxer, a sexy black lab or a pug (guys who own pugs, however, might want to reconsider that decision seeing as they are mirroring an image of uselessness, laziness and fugliness). Anyways, the point I am trying to make is that Harper is nothing like your ordinary man- he doesn't need a strong dog by his side to represent himself in the public; he isn't ashamed of the fact that he may in fact have a soft side, that he enjoys a little tickle of his kitten's whiskers on his cheeks from time to time, or curling up on the couch with a bowl of fro yo and his feline friends curled up at his feet. He even brings his cats to work, which is a clear indicator of his commitment to maintaining their well-being and happiness. His feline fixation also demonstrates that he is selfless because regardless of his busy schedule, Harper refuses to neglect those close to his heart. Harper is being open and honest about his passion for pussies, and isn't that what all Canadians are looking for? An honest politician?

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